Right to information and privacy

Please be considerate when dealing with RTI and Privacy staff. Read our guidelines about what we consider unacceptable behaviour and our response to it.

About right to information and privacy

Information about how to access information held by or about our department.

Making an RTI or IP application

Find out how to make a Right to Information or Information Privacy application to our department.

Amending personal information

The IP Act provides a very similar access mechanism to that contained in the RTI Act. The key difference is that a person may only apply to access documents containing their own personal information under the IP Act. If you wish to obtain access to documents that do not contain your personal information, you will need to apply under the RTI Act.

Frequently requested documents

Information on frequently requested documents such as criminal history, birth and marriage certificates, coronial records, court and tribunal transcripts, electoral roll, adoption information, health records, cabinet documents and ministerial media statements.

Disclosure log

Documents released to applicants under the Right to Information Act will be progressively published on our website on the disclosure log.

Publication scheme

Our publication scheme describes and categorises information routinely available from our department. We have developed it to give the community greater access to information.

Inappropriate customer behaviour

Please be considerate when dealing with RTI and Privacy staff. Read our guidelines about what we consider unacceptable behaviour and our response to it.